2015/1/19 (Mon.)
Bukchon Hankok Village
today's goal:
* Bukchon Hankok Village 北村韓屋 ☑
* Korean Kimchi rice cake 泡菜年糕湯 ☑
* Gyeongbokgung 景福宮 ☑
我覺得旅行者的白天很重要,是不能睡太晚的,隨一個城市的呼吸,可以藉由搭乘地鐵,聽不一樣的廣播系統,學會隱身其中。享受當一個當地人。我愛上了搭地鐵的感覺,有點壅擠的車廂,然後聽不懂的對話,還有觀察。男子休日說:「你的生活是我遠道而來的風景。」我喜歡這句話,我們旅行本來就是踏上別人的平時生活。 (男子休日)
I thought that the moring of a traveler is important, so we have to get up early and get ready to trip. To follow the breath of a city, I prefer to take a metro. Listening the different voices of train annoucements and being a local are joyful to me. Fell in love with taking a metro, a little bit crowed, noisy, and interesting. Then we can see a nation. A blogger in facebook once said, "Your life is my pleasant scenery from my country." I totally agree, we travel and feel the normal life of others.
Bukchon Hankok Village is in the Anguk station
Tourists like us,often cannot help but fall in these kind of souvenir shop.
↓遊客中心 Information center for MAPS and suggests of Bukchon.
Due to a heavy snow of last night, a few hotel managers are removing snow. It was a warmy day, so snow was melting.
↓同行韓國友人 locol tour guide
We bought a bowl of tasty sweet potato, was done by maltose.
↓最右邊兩位是我同學(左二)的韓國人朋友。Friends in Korea.
↓韓國人的春聯是白色的! 我們台灣的春聯是紅色的!
Korean new year scrolls are white, Taiwanese are red.
絕對不可錯過的名物吉拿棒(churros)! 有很多很fancy的口味,當然你也可以選原味(plain)是肉桂蜂蜜口味。
In the town , one of must-eat desserts, churros! There are many choices you may have difficuly on choosing.
(i) is for information, they can guide you about the destinations you want to go.
↓安國的商店街街景。Beautiful streets in Bukchon, Anguk.
Must-try: the Korean kimchi rice cake!
↓起司泡菜年糕湯 4500W、海鮮泡菜年糕湯 4500W
最後的湯汁還可以變成炒飯,秉持著不浪費的精神,學當地同儕,用湯匙刮起鍋巴吃! 真的是超好吃的鍋巴飯!
Cheese Kimchi rice cake, Seafood Kimchi rice cake, both of them, 4500won.
The store suggested two to three people to share it. The remaining soup can do the fried rice, quite delicious!
After meals , we went to a local craft shop.
Gyeongbokgung, the Korean palace.
When the sun set, it getiing really cool.(-10 Celcius)
↓晚餐,入進隨俗,炸雞配啤酒! (這個啤酒真的不是很合我胃口。>"<)
Dinner, fried chicken with beer, auctally the beer was not delicious.
今天是走古蹟路線,走過北村韓屋村,景福宮,最後晚餐請民宿幫忙訂了橋村炸雞。終於在韓國吃到了韓式炸雞,超辣的,但是超好吃! 配的醃蘿蔔是甜的,冰冰涼涼很解辣!